This documentary is being filmed in high definition video and will showcase highly visual locations throughout the United States and on the island of Puerto Rico, where some of the interviewed soldiers reside.
With the help of my co-producer, Tito Garcia from Chicago and his brother Ali from San Juan Puerto Rico, this project has embarked on an educational journey into the truth about a totally untapped subject matter. This documentary will consist of very little known facts that will make for a taut, informative and educationally entertaining hour and a half documentary.
Some examples of these little known facts:
* An estimated 48,000 Puerto Ricans served in the four branches of the armed forces during the Vietnam war.
Four Puerto Ricans were awarded the Medal of Honor posthumously. Five were awarded the Distinguished Service Cross (2nd highest award-US Army).
* The most decorated soldier of the Vietnam war SFC Jorge Otero-Barreto of Vega Baja, PR (a.k.a.) The Puerto Rican "Rambo".
* Puerto Rican P.O.W.'s. Some who were imprisoned for over 5 years.
Many more little known facts about Boricuas who served in the military during the Vietnam war will be shared in the documentary.
Boricua actually means Brave Lord in the original Arawak/Taino language. Boricua was derived from the word Borinquen or "Land of  the Brave Lord," which is what the Arawaks originally called Puerto Rico.
The word Taino means "Peace"-the first word with which the Arawaks greeted Columbus and his men as they stepped ashore in Borinquen. It was Columbus who renamed the Arawak natives, Tainos.
BRAVE LORDS will be an eye opener. One that will promote pride in our roots, culture, and traditions and further promote empowerment in leadership and self-esteem in our young people.
Email me at to let me know what you think about this project and to stay up-to-date on upcoming events related to the promotion of the BRAVE LORDS documentary.
log in to this website for:
  • Video shorts of interviews with PR Vietnam vets
  • Promotional events locations
  • The real bio on SFC Jorge Otero-Barreto
  • And much more!
" the Puerto Ricans been gettin' jammed since the forties and ain't nobody said nothin'. We been laid, relayed, and waylaid and nobody wants to hear about it. Well, I'm gonna lay it on you one time, for the record."     (excerpt from Carlito's Way by Edwin Torres)

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The Documentary Film
A perspective of the war in Vietnam, as experienced by Puerto Rican soldiers